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The Coming Global Reset

The Coming Global Reset

This Is Information Big Brother Does Not Want You To See

This video was initially banned by Youtube (Google) and taken down shortly after it was put up in Oct. The author appealed to was successful in getting the “Global Elite”, our masters (The New World Order) to relent, and allow it to be put  back up.

If you step back from everything happening world wide, for example the world wide mass-migration, you will realize that something is controlling and organizing all of this. 

We believe “THE COVID PANDEMIC” is manmade in a lab some time back and kept to use at this time for this very diabolical “GREAT GLOBAL FINANCIAL RESET”.

You are participating in a historic change in the socio-economic reset of all humanity.

The Global Financial Banking System has played out their fiat financial scheme as long as they can, and now it’s coming to an endpoint and must be replaced with their new mandatory GLOBAL DIGITAL CURRENCY, which will also be fiat structured.

THE GREAT RESET (Explained!)

THE GREAT RESET (Explained!)

Premiered Sep 12, 2020


242K subscribers

GOOD NEWS! MY APPEAL WAS SUCCESSFUL, YOUTUBE HAVE ALLOWED THIS VIDEO TO STAY UP (AFTER IT WAS BANNED IN OCTOBER…) I am still unsure why the video was banned. I have submitted a new appeal with effect: 5th Nov 2020. Join Our ‘Investor’ Community! – Private Mentoring! –… Create A Property Business! – THE GREAT RESET (Explained!) We’ll be looking at: – What is The Great Reset? – What is the World Economic Forum? (WEF) – What is the significance of Davos, Switzerland? – Who pays for the Davos conference? – Who are the key players involved? – What is the 4th Industrial Revolution? – And finally, could there be a potential financial reset? – What does all this mean for you? If you enjoy my videos, please remember to click the like button and to share your opinion on what you think the agenda is of the Great Reset initiative in the comments below – thank you Included: – Professor Klaus Schwab, the Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum – Kristalina Georgieva, a Bulgarian economist who is the Managing Director of the IMF, which stands for the International Monetary Fund and was previously the Chief Executive at the World Bank as well as Vice President of the European Commission before that – Bill Gates, Microsoft, – George Soros, Soros Capital – Bernard Looney, CEO of BP – Ajaypal Singh Banga, CEO of Mastercard Regarding claim of normal people in attendance: I did some research here and pretty much all of their investors are the 0.1% of the World’s Elite or the richest companies in the World Notice these titles, Managing Director, Chief Executive, what many people don’t realise is that the IMF and World Bank are not charities, they are also NOT Government organisations. They are private institutions. And wherever the IMF & World bank go, there is a lot of controversy as well as mass protests against both the IMF and World Bank who make loans to developing or struggling Countries BP were found by numerous studies to be one of the biggest contributors to climate change in the World! (Source: The Guardian, Science Mag, etc) Why are they involved in the renewable energy project? The 4th Industrial Revolution is a book that was written by Professor Klaus Schwab in January of 2016. Despite people screaming: “NO! That will never happen!” “We’ll never have brain implants and micro chips!” – It’s already here… What about the Finance side? Is there a Financial Reset on the agenda? There has been no mention of a financial reset… but I suspect this will be discussed, because why else would there be so many financial investment funds present. Just look at these CEOs, their duty isn’t to the World, it isn’t to the people, no, their extremely high salary comes from the shareholders, via the board. There job is to increase the value of the company, that’s it! And why are they called investors? Just look at the track record of some of these financial institutions, and you tell me if you think they’re interested in profit or saving the planet. I’ll leave that to your comments… My suspicion is that they are planning a new digital currency, a digital currency to replace the Fiat currency which is the US Dollar. I have no evidence for this, it’s purely speculation on my behalf. But looking at the topics here, that would be my best guess There has to be a fiat currency reset. It’s unsustainable. They need a reset with a digital dollar because if the $ crashes, crypto currency would be used for transactions, and the Central banks can’t control crypto. This is why I think they feel they need to act NOW. Which leads me to my next upcoming video: The Collapse of the USD$ PLEASE LIKE & SHARE DISCLAIMER This video is for entertainment purposes ONLY. I am not a financial advisor or attorney. These videos shall not be construed as tax, legal or financial advice and may be outdated or inaccurate; all decisions made as a result of viewing are yours alone.


William Dunnam jr
That’s the first time YouTube has given me a warning before viewing a video. I need to watch this then.


Ram Sal
Where is the offensive part? Youtube is so pathetic


love how the 1% want to tackle poverty , when its their greed that causes it in the first place.


annabelle vaughan-france
hahah this vid has been identified as inappropriate for some viewers. free thought is “inappropriate”


You speak the truth,… Why they!…didn’t like you


Hugo Bloemers
There is an almost censorship on this video. Now I will watch it in full.


Friend Named Five
Soros, philanthropist? Psychopath with a God complex more like.


Joey That Guy Film
This has been planned for 30 Years Agenda 21 We Have To Stand Up As A HUMAN RACE to take down the Elite!


Julian Pereira
Nothing offensive about this video. It just steps on the toes of the 1% Super Wealthy to control the world according to their views. YouTube should be ashamed for censoring this video.


Stephen Kenechukwu
I’m only offended because YouTube said I’ll find it offensive.


Klaus Schwab makes hitler looks like a boy scout


Com Sense
And soldiers, excuse me, “heroes” just follow orders to murder everyday.


Hein de Jager
Scheisse. The Germans want to change the world again.


james sholtz
Who and what is the “You Tube Community?” I highly doubt that this video is offensive to the “Non Elites.” The consortiums behind this find it “offensive” that the population may become aware of their deeds.


Cyril Sneer
The 2020’s will be a battle for our freedoms, liberty and humanity.


Guy Dunning Jr.
Forced vaccinations and re-education camps coming very soon.. This vaccine will cause many times more deaths that this so-called pandemic . Reducing the world population is their dream


Elon Musk Ox
Put a cat in Klaus’s lap and he could be head of SPECTRE in a James Bond film.


MATT Coggin
I’m offended…….that YouTube marked this as offensive.


This is sickening. Imagine what a wonderful world we could have if these globalists shared their knowledge and everyone could retire with millions and have a great life instead of sick and broke from years of hard work and over taxation.


Does anyone else get evil vibes whenever they hear Klaus Shwab or George Soros speaking? They even sound like cartoon supervillains.


Scott Graydon
Wish everyone could see this. Wish they could prioritize it over TikTok, worship of material goods, & a general ignorance of the bigger picture. I used to watch “conspiracy” videos on YouTube around 2009 and everything seemed possible except the thumbnail they always used where there was a guy in a mask tinkering in a lab eluding to some sort of world virus that eventually lead to a societal collapse. I was always able to drop it in the fiction stack of bs I watched just knowing our leaders had shit under control. 2020 has made me realize I was right about the wrong thing. They do have it under control, but my definition of control and their definition are vastly different.


James Sproles
“This content may be inappropriate for some users” lol


Ana Castellano
As soon as I seen YouTube gave a warning, I knew to hit the “like” button right away.


scott nyc
This is an award winning production.Its a must see for everyone!!


Elanore Rigby
Choose this day whom you will serve. The time is short, your enemy the devil, that old serpent, roams the Earth walking to and fro like a roaring lion seeking to devour. These are the beginning of sorrows. Get your house in order.


I AM # 4
Funny how most of these people are in their 80’s and 90’s.They are running out of time to see their reset


Marija Cvetkovic
Does the warning mean that YouTube agrees that the Great reset agenda is disturbing? 🤔


John Fittis
The things written in Revelation are coming very fast. Faith in Jesus is my only hope. Where your treasure is there will your heart be also.


Fudheni Hishekwa
We have to hope and pray that Trump will win his case in the Supreme Court and remain in office to disrupt the plans of the elite.


George Soros appears to … have died … and forgot to fall down.


Thank you for taking the time and energy to put this together. I needed such a “tutorial” on these groups and their activities. I was in Seattle during the “Battle in Seattle” where we protested against the annual meeting of the World Bank and IMF. I was there as a very young 20-something who was passionate about standing up for labor rights around the world and for the protection and health of our planet. With gratitude. (Nashville, TN, USA)


twothess twoone
You want to know what the great reset is coming to? The stage is being set for the rise of the beast and the anti Christ As referred to in Daniel 7, 9 and Revelation 13


clouded pupil
Like the 99% are children playing nintendo and the parents, the 1%, strolls by and presses the reset button on the game console.


Gordon Green
When YT bans then reuploads and requires 2 ⚠️ warnings then doesn’t allow sharing or commenting by the channel who produced the content, you know it’s the TRUTH.


Thad Napora
Can’t believe that woman was that close to sorros and SHE DIDNT STAB THAT DEMON IN THE NECK????


The way Soros is looking I reckon THEY haven’t discovered the Fountain of Youth technology.


Andrea Figueroa
It’s sad to find out the California fires have lots of “climate changing arsonists” the corporate mainstream media never exposes🥺 So many people have lost everything for what 😳


Rose Petal
Fires throughout the world are being deliberately lit, some people have been arrested in Australia and California.


These fires were intentionally set and have been proven has nothing to do with climate change


Raymond Ready
Crazy part is that we feed this beast. These elites wont sacrifice. We will. WE DONT NEED THEM. THEY NEED US.


Rich Tea
It’s by design. The harm’s intentional. Why? To force a solution we’d never agree to otherwise. • Problem (CV19) • Reaction (LockDown) • Solution 1. UN Agenda 21 & 2030 aka Sustainable Development 2. World Economic Forum Great Reset 3. ID2020 4. GAVI 5. BIS digital currency.

Read more



Mina VanderLeest
I’m going to assume, given the hoops I just had to jump through, that you are not making money on this video. Definitely being censored.


Jahbah X
Prophecy most be fulfilled it’s just the beginning


People need to start say NO, on everything, NO to lockdown, NO to a cashless world, NO to electric cars, Just say NO
Everything is being blamed on COVID…you still think this wasn’t planned..?


Excellent video! U r probably on someone’s “hit list” after this exposure 😆


Mmm Ggg
The human race will never destroy this planet as many idiots believe, this planet will protect itself and still be here billions of years after humans are no longer around………the human race will destroy the humans race….just logic


Mike Swapp
YouTube is pathetic. They don’t even try to hide the fact that they are the television of the deep state.


Tomfoolery Alert
When youtube is stopping viewership of this video, just know then we ALL need to watch it!!


Portia Snyder
David Ike said all this would happen for 30 years


J Fahnestock
Nothing offensive about this video other than YouTube’s attempt to minimize a different perspective to the mainstream media’s narrative.


Soros looks very fragile, that he might kaput any time from now , Klaus, and the rest of his evil clan may think that they will get away with all their evil plans…..! But there’s a God that created the Heaven and the Earth that has the final say over their actions….! (Sorry, no offense, if I talking about religion here) But, I must emphasise that we humans needs to repent from our sins and seek God’s face now…..! I am certainly doing this, for the sake of my children and the rest of mankind……!


Logan P E
You ask “if I enjoyed this video”, Hell no, it scares the hell out of me!


Dr. Agustin Landivar
Loved your video! Looking forward to the next video


Donnie Duncan
Hit your knees and asked yeshusa to put his whole armor on you and protect the young children of this evil world And the mental insane from the evil coming


Since it was bannd, had to watch it again. This is unbelievable info, thank you for all the hard work you do for us.


robert macauley
Anti-theism at its zenith. Now that manufacturing has been mechanized, humanity is obsolete and the elite (who hate us and sharing the planet with us) wish to kill us off so they won’t be forced to rub elbows with “the poor” anymore. They never admit to rigging the system in order to prevent us from escaping poverty.


sunny guest
I absolutely refused to have a vaccine I’ve never had a vaccine for flu in my life and I have I’m fine, the world economic forum and the rest of them it’s all about depopulation, what it would be really nice to know is which one of us are going to be popularized, is it going to be another mass genocide like Hitler I mean closest German after all


At this point anybody who can’t see the NWO making its final move for total power is a complete zombie.


Christine Cortese
This all depends on having a good internet connection. I will go straight to barter rather depend on an internet currency. They want that because they can control you 100% that way.


They’ve showed their hand and we know, or can guess, what to expect but the chances are that they will get away with their plans. It’s too late now. Just look at all the overweight folks in a state of blissful ignorance shopping for baubles. Men more interested in football than their children’s education. The greedy professions. The state of the mainstream media. Money and greed will decide the future of the mass population. Narcissism rules. It’s too late now to end well.


The Insiders who have been trying to control the word since Satan meet annually to plan our demise.


æ Able
Speak the truth ways even if it leads to your death, defend the helpless


Lindsay K
YT disclaimers are my 5 star recommendations


Dennis Durost
Neil: I believe the “man-made” global warming scare, which is based on fabricated and altered temperature records, and is definitely not based on any form of “settled science”, is an integral part of the “reset” initiative. It’s not even about any concern for the environment, rather it’s about the imposition of carbon taxes and regulations designed to damage the western economy and facilitate a new world order where wealth is transferred from the west to under developed countries. The biggest threat to this initiative is Donald Trump. This is precisely why so much effort and energy are being generated by the left to oust Trump from office at any cost. I believe the success or failure of any reset initiative in 2021 is predicated on the removal of Trump from office. The President is well aware that the CO2 scare is totally bogus and would prove to be a formidable obstacle to any initiative to destroy the US economy or social structure. Once the progressive left in the US gains complete control of all branches of government it is game over for our freedoms and way of life.

Read more



Sarah VeganGarden
I am really glad you included the information on the Buddha washing his toes. I watched that when it happened. That and other incidents, like the snow in summer this year, the ‘dragon sounds’ and the ‘two suns’, have really freaked out some people in China and beyond.


Mac Big
The Devil is the god of this world system. The elite are his minions who have sold their souls for power. Bad deal if you ask me.


True Seeker
This world is running by the psychopaths elites.


Garry Steptoe
Think maybe the folk running Youtube were trained in N Korea.
George Fortu
They can use they’re Wife’s, Kids and Grandkids for administering the Covid-19 Vaccine, Neurolink, implants, and Chips ……


Persi C
Copy and past from the Google search then send through “past” in whatsapp or something…


Keith Renard
I received two “content” warnings from the Great One before I could even watch this. Thank God for YouTube and their diligence in protecting me from controversial content!
“The following content has been identified by the YouTube community as inappropriate or offensive to some audiences.”


August Arellano
Paving the way for the end times…


Cristi P.
9:08 that lady says it all – the elites fear their survival is at risk with so many people LIVING in the world.


Neil McCoy-Ward: Question to you: So are you aware that we are long overdue for a Carrington-level solar event? THAT would be a real game-changer, eh? I have worked in tech for decades and am NOT on board for digital currency at all. What happens after a created or natural EMP event is one reason… What do you think?


Hugh Janus
Schwab (aka. Dr. Evil): “…we have a cut that is too…deep to not leave traces.” Spoken like a serial killer.


MightyQuinn VR Realm
It’s sad how much we are regulated! Even YouTube tries to hide truth!😪 Stay strong Neil! Thanks for everything you go through to get us this info👍
The Coming Global Reset