The Coming Global Reset
This Is Information Big Brother Does Not Want You To See
This video was initially banned by Youtube (Google) and taken down shortly after it was put up in Oct. The author appealed to was successful in getting the “Global Elite”, our masters (The New World Order) to relent, and allow it to be put back up.
If you step back from everything happening world wide, for example the world wide mass-migration, you will realize that something is controlling and organizing all of this.
We believe “THE COVID PANDEMIC” is manmade in a lab some time back and kept to use at this time for this very diabolical “GREAT GLOBAL FINANCIAL RESET”.
You are participating in a historic change in the socio-economic reset of all humanity.
The Global Financial Banking System has played out their fiat financial scheme as long as they can, and now it’s coming to an endpoint and must be replaced with their new mandatory GLOBAL DIGITAL CURRENCY, which will also be fiat structured.
THE GREAT RESET (Explained!)
THE GREAT RESET (Explained!)
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