The Global Reset Warning
Did You Hear About The 80 Trillion Reset?
You thought the Reset took place in 2008? The answer is no it didn’t. Here’s a little wake-up call – The Global Derivatives Markets as of 6-30-2019 was $640.4 Trillion.
Lynette is going to give you the update on the entire GLOBAL RESET, because last week was just one piece of how this Jenga Economy falls…
By the time you "see it," it'll be too late.
By the time you “see it,” it’ll be too late.
•Streamed live on Oct 20, 2020
Questions on Protecting Wealth with Gold & Silver? Call 877-410-1414 or Schedule a Call for Later Here: ↓ Last week Lynette showed you an $80T Reset which happened over the weekend, in which (still) no reports have been given, which is very suspicious to say the least. And it seems some of that video was misunderstood, which Lynette will clarify today. It’s important to remind you that Lynette’s work is to show you what’s happening ‘before it happens’, so you actually have time to do something about it. And since there’s so many nuances to this subject, Lynette is going to give you the update on the entire GLOBAL RESET, because last week was just one piece of how this Jenga Economy falls… Links to Slides and Sources:… Check out this video on the IMF: DIGITAL DOLLAR & $200K GOLD: THE ATTEMPT AT NEW LAWS FOR YOUR MONEY BY LYNETTE ZANG,… FYI: ITM Trading is comprised of Precious Metals and Economic Experts. We are not financial planners, nor do we do general financial consulting. We are Gold & Silver Strategists. We sell Gold & Silver to Strategic Investors who want to protect their wealth with the proper types, dates, and qualities of precious metals. For more info Call: 877-410-1414 For More Videos and Research Click Here: Also, watch us on If you have questions to submit for our Q&A Video Series, send them to: STAY IN THE KNOW! For Critical Info, Strategies, and Updates Subscribe here:… If you’re not already in a protected position for the next crisis, call us for your free strategy consult: 877-410-1414 THEN WHAT? If you want to know what to actually DO about all of this, that’s what we specialize in at ITM Trading. How do you protect your wealth for the next collapse and financial reset? Yes Gold and Silver, but what types? How much of each? What strategy? And what long term plan? If you’re asking these questions you’re already ahead of the game… We’re here to help, as it is our mission to safeguard the public from the inevitable downfall of the dollar, stock markets, and real estate. We are the most recommended precious metals company in the industry for good reason, because we create lifetime relationships with our clients, and facilitate strategies for lifetime security. Find out if you’re properly protected today… ITM TRADING: Helping Build Your Future, Freedom, and Legacy Call Today for Your 1st Strategy Session: 877-410-1414 You can also email us at: For Instant Updates and Important News, please follow us on: All Our Videos and Research: Homepage: ITM Trading Twitter: Lynette Zang Twitter: Facebook: By ITM Trading’s Lynette Zang Call Us Direct for Long-Term Gold & Silver Strategies: 877-410-1414 ITM Trading Inc. © Copyright, 1995 – 2019 All Rights Reserved. #Economy #LynetteZang #RESET
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better 10 years early than 1 day too late. It’s never bad to prepare for the worst
“In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” G. Orwell
You bail out ALL the sovereigns by transferring ALL private asset (property, equity, real estate, etc) ownership to a centralized world government (NWO) via the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) GREAT RESET (eliminate ALL sovereigns), i.e. establish a global Communist system by leveraging the C19 pandemic. We’re there NOW. Nobody notices. How do you think this election got turned upside down?
I bet they were still laughing at Noah even when it started raining.
People who try to make predictions are always wrong….UNTIL THEY ARE RIGHT!
Your right Lynette, the big band is coming. People won’t listen! But you have an audience that gives you respect and love you
Why is this referred to as a Government and Banker’s RESET? It sounds, looks and smells like a HEIST!
Wow Lynette …. You put so much work into this video!!! It doesn’t go unnoticed. Thanks =)
Intelligent people understand that your warning was not a proclamation of collapse but a warning of a potential black swan.
Everything can look just like she said, but when others on the other side have other ideals to fix something, anything can happen. It doesn’t mean she’s wrong because she saw the writing on the wall, it was just a change in the game. Just be glad that she’s letting you know to get your finances in order. No else is telling you this stuff!
Lynette. You don’t have to explain yourself. You are one of the most intelligent persons that I have ever followed on various platforms. It is of supreme importance that you share your educated concerns about this economy, so that those who have not heard you have time to protect themselves. Moreover, you never said in your last presentation regarding this Reset that this would absolutely end in a flash on Monday. Rather, you warned us that this economy is likely going to get even worse very soon and may worsen dramatically on Monday. Your views are based upon your research and your own experiences on past Resets during your long distinguished career. I for one, have learned a great deal from you and your team. So thank you for continuing to educate us based on real facts and research!
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Time to leave the Rothschilds banking system, be your own bank, they need us we don’t need them, if you like your hard earned cash keep it in your pocket.
The Great Reset by Dr. Evil (Klaus Schwab) is here to establish the New World Order trough debt
I love you! My mom lost everything in 08 and before that she was going to retire, she was well off! She lost everything because of hidden info you share!
If the government knew an asteroid was headed right at us, would they tell us? NO, because it would result in complete chaos. Well, this is no different. She is always talking about gold for wealth preservation, silver for barter-ability, food, water, shelter and community.
Thank you for being no nonsense Lynette! Some of us want the truth! You go girl!
Thank you from Ottawa, Canada for all of your efforts to bring light to what is obviously a nefarious and serpentine effort to hoodwink an unsuspecting public.
Lynette you are a wonderful teacher, a warm hearted and intelligent woman! I am saving this episode to attempt to convince the people who just can’t seem to get it! The people mired in the stockholm syndrome! The delusional masses! thank you for what you do
I’m a 32 year old Black man (just for context) and I love you so much for doing this for us all. My Dad passed in February, my Mom isn’t really knowledgable about these types of things so for people like me these uploads are worth it’s time in Gold. “If you don’t HOLD it you don’t OWN it, protect your ASS-ETS” I will never forget that alongside all the other gems you have given out FOR FREE. 🙏🏾♥️
I became an urban gardener this year too and it’s tough work. This is overwhelming.
@itmtrading look up Event 201 if you even more want to prove Corona was planned. The world economic forum was involved with John Hopkins.
Thank you, Lynette. Thank you for taking time out of your day, trying to help people understand what is happening and what may happen. I’d rather be over prepared and something not happen then be underprepared then all Hell breaks loose. Nothing happens then I can keep or sell my precious metals.🤷♀️
“And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, Come and see. And I beheld, and lo a black horse; and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see though hurt not the oil and the wine.” Revelation 6:5-6. The word of God is tried and true. There will be an economic collapse, it WILL be far worse that 1929 collapse. It will be when the 3rd horse rides. Coming soon. Jesus Christ is the truth, the life and the only way. Believe in him today because tomorrow is not promised.
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Most Epic one liner ever. “I do have some crystal balls but they dont give me a lot of great information, They are just really pretty to look at” haha We Love you Lynette!! Says it all folks!
i shared your story to a group of friends of mine they laughed at me and didnt listened 😏 guess what im listening to u
There will be considerable trouble after the election. A media cloak will obscure these eventualities.
Please write this on your bathroom mirror. “It’s all debt!” “It’s all debt!” “It’s all debt!”
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if Lynette or your mom, you would always have your chores done, you would always have your teeth brushed and you would always be on time. Oh yeah and you would have a big pile of silver and gold.
Thank you Lynette, i was able to find tune my investment. Better safe than sorry. More time to get ready THANK YOU AGAIN
Lynette people just react that way because they are scared and want all of this to work out perfect for them and they want to be in the know. They are just scared. Keep doing you. Years from now all your work will prove itself correct. I thank you and truly appreciate all your work and effort over the years.
When people like Lynette and Egon Von Greyertz have gut-wrenching reactions to things that are going on… People need to listen. They could be sitting home counting their gold… Instead they are trying to warn us. Egon repeats his message over and over…Younger people often scoff at him. Thank you Lynette, I feel more confident that my family will survive… Still stacking.
Lynette I love that you cover not only precious metals but community and survival. Watching from Australia thank you
The IMF’s recent pronouncement seems to suggest intentionally load countries w/debt under the guise of covid depression relief which, in turn, gives the IMF insurmountable leverage to then offer, so to speak, those governments debt alleviation in exchange for going on the new digital sdrs. China recently announced their complete digital economy. How did they convince their populace to accept? Aside from being communist, they gave some type of lottery system where when you download the app, you have a chance of getting a certain amount of the new ‘currency’. It’s here. I think the IMF will do the same top down (from Gov’ts to individuals), in the U.S. through the Fed. Ultimately, imo, they intend one ultimate centralized bank (world bank, e.g.); a one world currency. Furthermore, with behavioral economics, some type of surveillance social credit system set by artificial intelligence will set ‘pricing’ based on said desired outcomes for social credit (see patent WO2020060606 for some such means of implementation). All this, imo, looks to be headed towards a one world total control system.
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I did not understand a lot of this But the thing I get is cover your assets and Im doing as best I can with what I have. going to re listen to this (most likely more than once). thank you for doing what you do.
Would love to see what happened to countries beholden to the IMF! That’d be a good indication on what will happen to us
Lynette, you are one of my favorite content creators. Thank you for all you do, and your incredibly thorough research. I got into crypto/gold/silver in April of this year due to your fellow Phoenician Robert Kiyosaki. So grateful. Your guests are fantastic too. Keep up the great work! I miss AZ (lives there for 10 years). One of the things I would add to the: “community, shelter, food, wealth preservation, etc.” is health and fitness. The healthier we are, the less we must rely on medical insurance, big pharma, etc., AND our bodies and immune systems become so much stronger. I know you grow your own food, which is one of the best ways to stay healthy. You rock Lynette! ☺️
Lynette! I’m only 3 mins into the video and wanted to let you know that I can’t even tell you how thankful I am that I found you just this year! I’m so glad(and sad) that you didn’t ditch anyone and that you feel connected enough to complete strangers to sound the alarm. It will happen and anyone griping about timing isn’t busy enough getting prepared so will be complaining after the reset as well. The rest of us say many thanks for your message and never apologize regarding timing. I sleep much better at night because of your advice.
Lynette, you’re awesome! Reality is people are too lazy to actually do anything (not all people, but most). I want to travel again too !
I told my cc co.s to shove it, – now that I know how they manipulate us continually. And my 9th grade economics teach Mrs. Brand explained this crap to us then. I tell everyone I know of your motto; if you don’t hold it, you don’t own it. Thanks a million Lyn.
Excellent presentation! Thank you Lynette for all of your hard work trying to share Truth about our economic Slavery system to the brainwashed Slave population! The cartel operates on a 100 year plans and phase 2 is coming to completion. They are shifting to a new management system! Phase 1 was to remove money (gold/silver) from the system. Phase 2 was the death of paper currency! Phase 3 which is crypto currency which has been their plan all along! It is “Order out of Chaos”! They create Chaos, and then implement their pre planned solution! It will end in a global New World Order crypto currency Big Brother world where the Slave population is totally enslaved! Welcome to the future!
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Lynette, thank you for sharing your research and expertise. You are one of the very few sources who digs out information no one else has. What you do is helping a lot of people prepare for what’s coming. Please continue!
who controls this if its not the govt. is every incoming govt committed to this trajectory?
You called it and it did not happen. So what. I would rather have someone like you sounding the alarm when you see danger. Than to have a financial adviser more interested in his or her fees and let me crash and burn.
This is information that doesn’t help most of us! We live from pay check to paycheck. We’ve been wealthy and then NOT
Look for it to hit after the election. The sand in the hour glass is running out. The IMF and all their global Reset is dangerous and would put us into slavery.
I hope the whole thing crumbles at this point. I’m sick to death of evil lies. Who are these people in control of everything. Why? How? My god come on
Lynette, you sound like a lot of us feel…. We are all FED up!! I was born in the fifties also and have seen just what you have seen, I can’t believe we have gotten this far away from the nation I served. Blessings
She’s more right than anyone will ever know. Things are so interconnected it could be 1 thing of 1000 things that finally causes what we’re all preparing for
No worries they are manipulating everything nobody can predict anything in this environment
I value your videos so much Lynette!! Thank you times a million!!
I feel so grateful for Lynette… Spending her retirement years helping people understand finance and economics… 🙏… a real god sent 🙏🙏
I’m a pretty tough guy, but Lynette scares me when she gets angry.😁 Depending on your age and level of awareness at the time, you can probably remember an event you didn’t see coming – dotcom crash, 08 crisis, etc. If you’re watching this channel you’re in a different place now than you were then, and more likely to hear the warnings.
I’ve known since 2008 that the system was finished.but the shit that I’ve taken over the last couple of years talking about a currency reset alot of people are going to owe me an apology.I can imagine u feel the same as me
Another provocative video, Lynette! The timing is my question: TPTB differentiated between “the launch date and the effective date” of the reset. Do you think this background setting of all the pieces in place is related to the start of ww3? Or does an in-between state of negative interest rates that causes hyperinflation Venezuela style have to occur first? The poor souls down there, in what was once a thriving economy, are reduced to eating starving zoo animals. 🤪😷 The Greek citizens have never recovered from their illegal bail-ins a few years ago. The Dodd-Frank Act of 2010 in the USA allows the gvt to bail in all our accounts. Keep your Radio Free Europe announcements coming down the pipeline. 👍👋 Glad I can ride a good horse and get out of Dodge when the lights go out 🐴🐎
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i love you lynette thank you in service of other, i love your enthusiasm and your insight. in love in light your arizona brother Dean. have a blessed day.
New Subscriber Here! A Gregory Mannarino subscriber, but seriously impressed with your amount of research and links … definitely better, gourmet food for thought, substance for learning and understanding current/future events! Thank You!! Much LOVE!!! And so it is! 🌻 SunFlower 🍀 CloverFox 🐶 😇Angelic🔰Pillar Giant 🐜 🎱 Great Love Ball ❤ 🏆Victory Torch 🔦 ⛲Puerto Rico💎 ❄Sing🔄Shine🌐 the ⚡Light ⭐ & 🎶 Sound🔈 of ✅God’s 📐 🌼 LOVE 🌈
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Why didnt miners do a class action law suit against JP Morgan & Friends?….Stay away from miners they are bought and paid for and will be Nationalized . Silver is The Mammoth
Lynnette, keep speaking the truth. Your channel and a few others HAVE LITERALLY SAVED MY FINANCIAL LIFE!
The internal: To thine own self be true. Food, water, energy and shelter. The external: Treat others the way you would have them treat you. Community, security, barterability and wealth preservation.
This global reset is some scary stuff. It feels more like a massive gravitation of power to fewer people in order to control the greater populace.
Thank you Miss Lynette for the lesson, because I can see it clearly now. Okay, so I’ma let it be known that first of all I’m not a wealthy person, but I’m trying to prepare myself to become wealthy and pick assets and digital assets that I think will help me achieve wealth in the future. I don’t have a lot of any type of digital asset and I don’t have a whole lot in the stock market, but I have invested in the stock market and I have some Silver. My question is do you think that the Iraqi dinar, the Vietnamese dong, or any other currency out there that might be undervalued that maybe we don’t know about is a good investment? I have some of these currencies as a way to prepare myself for what could possibly happen in that way too. I just want your take on these banknotes, and ask if you hold any of these? Forgive me if you have done videos on these in the past, but I am just now learning about you and your Channel and I like what I am learning so far in terms of money, policies, Bretton Woods, the crisis, IMF etcetera. Also forgive me if I sound a little naive, I am new to this.
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Some of us have seen it coming for 10+ years. We just didn’t know exactly what form it was going to take but now that mystery’s solved. Some of us knew the system died in 2008. Some of us contacted our congressmen and said “don’t vote for the bailout.” It didn’t help.